1. 你们是啥组织?

    1. AAStar是普朗克孵化的一个开源社区使命是建设以太坊,构建人类数字未来;专注于AA和相关基础领域,帮助普通人进入Web3。
    2. 阶段主要建设社区工具,围绕社区和账户,提供加速社区的基础服务。
    3. 有一些开源免费的基础产品: AAStar.io,文档和一些Demo初步可以使用,欢迎共建。
  2. 为啥我要使用你的产品和方案

    1. AAStar价值观:基于以太坊,探索和建设人类数字未来;意义感是自我赋予的,社区群体会涌现一些或许有价值的思考
    2. 秉持开放开源的心态,提供简单易用安全可靠的社区账户,MIT License,自由免费
  3. 请用几句话说明你的优势

    1. Email一分钟绑定指纹公钥,建立自己链上Web3账户(目前是Op和Base,未来一键扩展到更多链)
    2. Web3无感指纹签名即可进行Mint,转账等日常Web3操作
    3. Gas由社区资助,无感支付,也可以自行充值,近似Web2体感
    4. 最重要一点:赋能任何人在Web3账户创建gas sponsor方面自由获取,去中心无Censorship
  4. 我们存在的困难或问题

    1. 不成熟,因为用户少,反馈少,产品迭代中,需要更多用户和反馈
    2. 不稳定,包括开源社区建设力量是不稳定的,当然也包括资金支持不稳定
    3. 弱小,开源总是弱小的,非盈利的,期待更多协作和帮助的
  5. 有什么历史作品或者产品

    1. Portfolio

    Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 11.09.57 AM.png

  6. 其他问题

    1. 产品安全么?基于AA的可编程合约账户,增加二次指纹签名交易验证,丢失私钥依然安全
      1. 安全测试案例: 暴露私钥的有100U的钱包(ENS名字是JasonJiao.zParty.eth), 欢迎任何人尝试获得这100U(在Op链主网)[TODO]
      2. 安全架构和代码:分层安全架构[building],动机理论,椭圆曲线和抗量子, GitHub
      3. Validator和社区节点以及去中心化(Docker一键部署,独立validator)
    2. 未来规划?
      1. 三个里程碑:社区加速器Cos72, DApp2.0孵化器和真菌网络
      2. 更多设计和思考:Cos72V2, Notion插件、Chrome插件、Chrome分支的社区浏览器
      3. More information:Research list AAStar Working Docs


  1. What kind of organization are you?

    1. AAStar is an Plancker^ incubated, open source community with a mission to build Ether and build humanity's digital future; focusing on AA and related foundational areas to help ordinary people get into Web3.
    2. Current phase Major construction Community tools that provide basic services to accelerate the community around communities and accounts.
    3. There are some open source free basic products: AAStar.io, documentation and some Demo are initially available, welcome to co-built.
  2. Why should I know your products and programs?

    1. AAStar Values: Based on Ether, explore and build the digital future of humanity; sense of meaning is self-given, and community groups will emerge with some perhaps valuable thinking
    2. open and open source mindset, provide easy-to-use safe and reliable community accounts, MIT License, free and free of charge
  3. Please explain your advantage in a few words

    1. Email one-minute binding fingerprint public key, establish your own chain Web3 account (currently Op and Base, future one-click expansion to more chains)
    2. Web3 No Sense, Fingerprint Signature can be used for Mint, transferring money and other daily Web3 operations
    3. Gas is sponsored by the community, senseless payment, you can also recharge yourself, similar to Web2 Applications.
    4. the most important point: empower anyone in Web3 account creation and gas sponsor in terms of free access, decentralized no Censorship.
  4. Our difficulties or problems

    1. immaturity, because of few users, little feedback, product iteration, need more users and feedback
    2. unstable, including open source community building power is unstable, of course, also includes unstable financial support
    3. weak, open source is always weak, non-profit, looking forward to more collaboration and help
  5. any historical works or products?

    1. Portfolio

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  6. Other questions

    1. Is the product safe? AA-based programmable contract account, add secondary fingerprint signature transaction verification, lost private key is still safe.
      1. security test case: wallet with 100U exposed private key (ENS name is JasonJiao.zParty.eth), anyone is welcome to try to get this 100U (on Op chain mainnet)
      2. security architecture and code: layered security architecture, motivation theory, elliptic curves and anti-quantums, GitHub
      3. Validator and community nodes and decentralization (Docker one-click deployment, independent validator)
    2. future plans?
      1. Community pedal Cos72, DApp2.0 incubator and Fungal network
      2. More design and thinking: Cos72V2, Notion plugin, Chrome plugin, Community Browser for Chrome branches
      3. More information: Research list AAStar Working Docs
  7. What are the unique aspects of AAStar?

    1. A strong will to building humanity's digital future with a core team of five dedicated individuals.
    2. Long-term commitment to development and innovation on the Ethereum.
    3. A genuine passion and enjoyment for our work.

AAStar Readme V2


We are AAStar team, which focus on Account Abstraction infra for Communities.